Monday, March 20, 2023

Using Narratives As a Bridge to Informational Text

I'm thrilled to announce that I will be presenting on an author panel with Beth Anderson and Jolene Gutierrez at Denver Academy for the annual Reading in the City Conference on April 15, 2023. The subject is "Using Narratives As a Bridge to Informational Text." 

Many students struggle with understanding story structure. Even those who do have a good understanding of narrative text still have difficulty making the leap to understanding informational text.

Narratives and Informational Texts actually have a lot in common, especially when those narratives are based on the type of real-life heroes and celebrities that Beth and Jolene write about in their books. Some of those characters are even animals! Narrative non-fiction picture books, biographies, personal interest stories, and scientific innovations told from the perspective of the characters who experience them can all be used to help students form a bridge between narratives and non-fiction. 

Watch my blog in April for Q&As with these two amazing authors and learn more about their books. I will also be sharing tips for comparing narratives and informational pieces from my book, Story Frames for Teaching Literacy.

These women are not just successful authors. They are also educators. Beth is a retired ELL teacher who spent many years teaching English Language Learners. Jolene works with students with learning challenges as both a teacher and librarian. 

The regular registration price for the conference is in effect through March 30. Find out more information at

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