There were so many amazing authors (32 to be exact) at the event on Saturday, June 3, hosted by the Bookies Bookstore in Denver, CO, and the Rocky Mountain Branch of the Society of Children's Book Writers ad Illustrators (SCBWI). I sold all of the Hank the Tank books that I brought with me and was delighted to discover how many people have such a strong interest in decodable books. I am in the photo above on the far right. My two new friends, Christine Layton (middle) and Lauren H. Kerstein (third from the right), are at the same table. Lauren H. Kerstein is a social worker who writes books for children and young adults about social-emotional issues. Her new book, Home for A While, is about a boy in foster care finding a place that he can call home even if it's just for a while. I love social workers. They are some of my favorite people. Her book is important not only for kids living in any kind of transitional situation but also to help more advantaged children develop empathy and understanding.
Christine Layton is a brand new author who was at the bookstore with her debut book, Light Speaks. It is a picture book that reads like a poem while the back matter delves deeper into scientific concepts like how light waves travel through space and how we can still see stars today that died thousands of years ago. Christina has been an early childhood educator and is currently the Director of Adult Education at a public library in Colorado. You can tell from my book purchases below that I spent a fair amount of time shopping at this event.

I also had the opportunity to connect with familiar faces. Jolene Gutierrez is on the right below with Mac and Cheese, a book about respecting personal space. She has a new book coming out in August entitled, Too Much. It's about sensory integration and kids who are sometimes overwhelmed by sensory stimuli. She will have two occupational therapists at her book launch on August 5 at Second Star on the Right to talk about how the book can be used with kids with sensory integration issues. You can get more information HERE. Jolene is a teacher and librarian who works with kids with learning challenges. We recently did a presentation, along with author Beth Anderson, for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the International Dyslexia Association on "Using Narratives as a Bridge to Informational Text." Check out my interview with Jolene about her non-fiction book, Bionic Beasts.

Below are some of the other authors I got to meet at the Bookies. I will be interviewing several authors over the next few months. Polly Holyhoke is the creator of the new middle-grade fantasy series, Skyriders. The main character is dyslexic, so you can be sure I will be talking about this book in October for Dyslexia Awareness Month. Kimberlee Gard is the author of The Mighty Silent e! I always love a book that plays with sound and spelling the way this book does. Finally, Nyasha Williams is the author of The ABC's of Inspiration for Black Kids. Her book offers many messages that are inspirational for all kids but that are especially important for kids who don't always see characters that look like them in picture books. My favorite message is, "I am my ancestors' wildest dreams." Nyasha's motto is, "Writing to Change the Narrative." I'm sure her ancestors are quite pleased with her success.

Support events like this one by shopping at local bookstores like THE BOOKIES and ordering books directly through the store. Any of the books mentioned here may be ordered through the The Bookies. Many are still on their shelves. They will be moving to a new location this fall at 2085 S. Holly Street in Glendale, CO. Their new building will have even more space for events and gatherings. Call them at 303-759-1117.
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